

Hans-Peter Morsch

born 10. December 1941 in Mannheim, Germany


Classical Music, in particular Bach, Händl, Mozart, Teleman, Purcel, Vivaldi, Monteverdi, Italian Barock, Opera, and Trumpet Interpretations

Current and Historical Literature, Ancient Cultures -- Global Problems in Politics -- News in Science, especially in Physics and Astronomy -- Cultural Activities as "Chevalier Ça tourne"

Fitness: Hiking, Mountain Hiking, Downhill Running, Swimming and Sailing -- Nature Observation


1963-1968 Study of physics at the University of Heidelberg, Physics Diploma

1969-1971 Doctoral thesis at the Max-Planck Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg

1971 Dr. rer. nat. University of Heidelberg


1971-1973 Assistant at the Max-Planck Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg

1973-1975 Postdoc at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA

1975-1976 Research Assistant Professor at the Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA

1976-1978 Senior Research Fellow at the Kernfysisch Versneller Institut, Reycksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands

1978-2006 Staff member of the Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany


1989 to 1996 Invited delegate from the Forschungszentrum Jülich to the Laboratoire Saturne, CEN-Saclay: Gif-sur-Yvette, Paris, France

2006 to 2012 Invited member of the National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland

2008 Guest at the Laboratoire de physique hadronique, Universite V, Paris, France

Publications and Conference Papers

About 100, apart from roughly 50-60 papers in Annual reports of the above institutions,
contributions to the German and American Physical Society meetings, small conference contributions
and articles in the Journées de Saturne.

Does the Standard Model of particles suffer from a mass problem?
H.P. Morsch,
To Phys. J. 3,114 (2019) (open access)

Mass of the universe from a fundamental quantum description, 
H.P. Morsch,
To Physics Journal 3, 128 (2019)

Decay (expansion) of the universe and stability of the Solar system in a fundamental quantum description,
H.P. Morsch,
To Physics Journal 2, 40 (2019)

What is the general interest in the study of fundamental forces? 
H.P. Morsch,
Biostatics and Biometrics Open access J. 7 (1) (2018)

Origin of gravitation and decription of galaxy rotation in a fundamental bound state approach, 
H.P. Morsch,
Global J. of science frontier research: A, physics and space science, vol. 18 (4) (2018)

Acceleration in a fundamental bound state theory and the fate of gravitational systems, 
H.P. Morsch,
J. Adv. in Math. and Comp. Sc. 28(3): 1-13 (2018) (open access)

Chiral structure of particles bound by magnetic forces, 
H.P. Morsch and S. Ghosh,
J. Adv. in Math. and Comp. Sc. 24(4): 1-13 (2017) (open access)

Fundamental bound state description of light atoms and the fine structure constant alpha~1/137, 
H.P. Morsch, Boson J. Modern Phys. 3,1: 197 (2017) (open access)

Unique structure of free particle bound states, 
H.P. Morsch,
Brit. J. Math. and Comp. Sc. 17(6): 1-11 (2016) (open access)

Search for a dark photon in the pi^o -> e+ e- gamma decay, 
P. Adlarson et al. (WASA-at-COSY collaboration),
Phys. Lett. B726, 187 (2013)

Investigation of the dd -> 3He n pi^o reaction with the FZ-Jülich WASA-at-COSY facility,
P. Adlarson et al. (WASA-at-COSY collaboration),
Phys. Rev. C 88, 014004 (2013)

Solution of the relativistic bound state problem for hadrons, 
H.P. Morsch, 
Univ. J. Phys. and App. 1, 252 (2013); and arXiv: 1112.6345 [gen-ph]   

Relativistic bound state approach to fundamental forces including gravitation, 
H.P. Morsch, 
Proceedings of the Hadron collider symposium Paris 2011, EPJ Web of Conf. 28, 12068 (2012)

ABC-effect in basic double-pionic fusion - observation of a new resonance? 
P. Adlarson et al. (WASA-at-COSY collaboration),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 242302 (2011)

Influence of N* resonances on hyperon production in the channel pp -> K+ Lambda p at 2.95, 3.20 and 3.30 GeV/c beam momentum,
COSY-TOF collaboration, S. Abd El-Samand et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 688, 2 (2010)

Analyzing power A_y for omega meson production in proton-proton collision, 
COSY-TOF collaboration, M. Abdel-Bary et al.,
Phys. Lett. B662, 14 (2008)

Two-pion production in alpha-p scattering  at 1 GeV/nucleon in the energy region of the Roper resonance, 
G.D. Alkhasov et al. (Spes-4\pi-collaboration),
Phys. Rev. C 78, 025205 (2008)

Multi-gluon field approach of QCD, 
H.P. Morsch and P. Zupranski,
Acta Phys. Polonica B 39, 369 (2008)

Relation of the nucleon structure to the gluon structure of QCD;
H.P. Morsch and P. Zupranski,
Proceedings of MENU2007, the 11th international conference on meson-nucleon physics and the structure of the nucleon, p. 265 (2007)

Comparison of isoscalar vector-meson production cross sections in proton-proton collision,
COSY-TOF collaboration, M. Abdel-Bary et al.,
Phys. Lett. B647, 5 (2007)

Hyperon production in the channel pp -> K^+ Lambda p near the reaction threshold,
COSY-TOF collaboration, S. Abd El-Samand et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 632, 27 (2006)

Structure of the breathing mode of the nucleon from high energy p-p
H.P. Morsch and P. Zupranski,
Phys. Rev. C 71, 065203 (2005) 

Study of the Breathing mode of the nucleon in alpha-p and p-p scattering, 
H.P. Morsch,
International J. of Modern Physics A (2004)

New evidence for the breathing mode of the nucleon from high energy proton-proton scattering,
H.P. Morsch and P. Zupranski,
Proceedings of the workshop on "Physics of excited nucleons", edt. J.P. Bocquet, V.Kuznetsov and D. Rebreyend, Grenoble, France p. 345 (2004)

Folding model study of alpha-p scattering: Systematics of elastic scattering, effective interaction and inelastic excitation of N* resonances, 
H.P. Morsch, W. Spang and P. Decowski,
Phys. Rev. C 67, 064001 (2003)

2H(3He,t)2p reaction at 2 GeV, 
B.Ramstein et al.,
Eur. Phys. Journal A 16, 583 (2003)

Excitation of N* resonances in alpha-proton scattering, 
Proceedings of the workshop on "Physics of excited nucleons", NSTAR 2002, Pittsburg, USA, edt. S.A. Dytman and E.S. Swanson,  p. 251 (2002) 

Structure of the Roper resonance from alpha-p and pi-N scattering,  
H.P. Morsch and P. Zupranski,
Proceedings of the workshop on "Physics of excited nucleons", NSTAR 2001, Mainz, Germany, edt. D. Drechsel and L. Tiator,  p. 249 (2001)

Production of omega mesons in proton-proton collision,
COSY-TOF collaboration, S. Abd El-Samand et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 522, 16 (2001)

Structure of baryon resonances from hadronic and electromagnetic probes, 
H.P. Morsch and P. Zupranski,
Proceedings of the international workshop on "Gross properties of nuclei and nuclear excitations", Hirschegg, Austria, edt. H. Feldmeier, J. Knoll, W. Nörenberg and J. Wambach, p.172 (2001)
Opening talk of the COSY workshop N*2000, Proceedings of the COSY workshop on baryon excitations, N*2000, 
T. Barnes and H.P. Morsch (edts.),
Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, vol.6 (2000)

Structure of the P11(1440) resonance from alpha-p and pi-N scattering, 
H.P. Morsch and P. Zupranski,
Phys. Rev. C 61 (1999) 024002

Proton-proton bremsstrahlung at 797 MeV/c, 
COSY-TOF collaboration,
R. Bilger et al., Phys. Lett. B429, 195 (1998)

N* Physics at COSY, 
H.P. Morsch,
proceedings of the international workshop on N* physics, edt. T.S. Lee, W. Roberts, W.C. Haxton and E.M. Henley, Seattle, p. 325 (1997)

Study of the compressibility of the nucleon, 
H.P. Morsch,
Proceedings of the RCNP OSAKA international symposium on "Nuclear reaction dynamics of nucleon-hadron many-body systems", Osaka, Japan, p. 209 (1996)

The problem of the baryon compressibility, 
H.P. Morsch,
Proceedings of the international conf.~on "The structure of baryons", BARYONS 95, Santa Fe, New Mexico, edt. B.F. Gibson, P.D. Barnes, J.B. Mc Clelland and W. Weise, p. 303 (1995)

Study of elastic alpha scattering from 2H and 12C at E_\alpha=4.2 GeV, 
H.P. Morsch,
Z. Phys. A350, 167 (1994)

Compressibility of hadrons from operator sum rules, 
H.P. Morsch,Z. Phys. A 350, 61 (1994) 

Monopole excitation of the nucleon, 
H.P. Morsch, W. Spang and P. Decowski,
Z. Phys. A348, 45 (1994)  

Light meson production and pp-Bremsstrahlung at the COSY time-of-flight spectrometer,
E. Kuhlmann et al. (COSY-TOF collaboration),
Physica Scripta 48, 22 (1993)

Baryon structure, 
H.P. Morsch,
Proceedings of the XIII international conf. on "Particles and Nuclei", PAN XIII, Perugian, Italy, edt. A. Pascolini, p. 70 (1993)

Peut-on comprimer un nucleon? 
B. Desplanques, H.P. Morsch and J. Arvieux,
Images de la Physique (1993)

Radial excitation of the nucleon to the P11(1440) resonance in alpha-proton scattering, 
H.P. Morsch et al.,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992) 1336

Fission decay of giant resonances in 238U excited in alpha scattering at small momentum transfer, 
B. Brinkmöller, P. Decowski, B. Marianski, H.P. Morsch, D. Paul, M. Rogge, R. Siebert, W. Spang, P. Turek and L. Zemlo,
Phys. Rev. C 45, 2272 (1992)

Excitation of the Roper resonance in alpha-p scattering at Saturne,
H.P. Morsch, proceedings of the international workshop at Saclay, France p. 171 (1991)

Baryon spectroscopy and the structure of the nucleon, 
H.P. Morsch and M. Soyeur (edts.),
proceedings of the international workshop at Saclay, France (1992) 

Thermal and angular momentum effects in the giant dipole resonance,
decay of hot rare-earth nuclei, 
H.P. Morsch et al.,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1999 (1990) 

Structure of 4Li and 4He observed in the 1H(alpha,3He p)n reaction, 
B. Brinkmöller, H.P. Morsch, P. Decowski, M. Rogge, R. Siebert and P. Turek, 
Phys. Rev. C 42, 550 (1990)

Excitation of the high energy nuclear continuum in 208Pb  by 22 MeV/nucleon 17O$  and 32S,
F.E. Bertrand, R.O. Sayer, R.L. Auble, M. Beckerman, J.L. Blankenship, B.L. Burks, M.A.G. Fernandes, C.W. Clover, E.E. Gross, D.J. Horen, J. Gomez del Campo, D. Shapira and H.P. Morsch,
Phys. Rev. C 35, 111 (1987)

Hadron excitation of giant resonances,
H.P. Morsch, Proceedings of the Niels Bohr Centennial conf. "Nuclear structure 1985", edt. R. Broglia, G. Hagemann and B. Herskind, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 433 (1985)

Analysis of giant resonances in proton, 3He and alpha scattering and the spin-flip strength in 208Pb,
H.P. Morsch, D. Cha and J. Wambach,
Phys. Rev. C 31, 1715 (1985)

Importance of fast nucleon emission in 172 MeV alpha scattering from 238U,
P. Decowski, H.P. Morsch, M. Rogge, P.Turek, L. Zemlo, G. Gaul, R. Glasow, B. Ludewigt R. Santo and W. Schumacher,
Phys. Lett. 141B, 49 (1984)

Direct excitation of higher multipole resonances in heavy nuclei, 
H.P. Morsch,
proceedings of the international symposium on highly excited states and nuclear structure, Paris, France (1983), Journal de Phys. C4, 185 (1984)

Isoscalar giant resonances in 208Pb - in particular 2hbar omega L=0, 2, 4 and 6 excitations - studied in small angle alpha scattering,
H.P. Morsch, P. Decowski, M. Rogge, P.Turek, L. Zemlo, S.A. Martin, G.P.A. Berg, W. H\"urlimann, J. Mei\ss burger and J.G.M. R\"omer,
Phys. Rev. C28, 1947 (1983)

The role of fast nucleon emission in high energy alpha scattering studied by the parallel momentum transfer from fission angular correlations, 
P. Decowski, H.P. Morsch, L. Zemlo, M. Rogge, P.Turek, G. Gaul, R. Glasow, B. Ludewigt R. Santo and W. Schumacher,
Proceedings of the international conference on nuclear physics, Florence, Italy C148 (1983)

Study of the (3He,t) reaction on heavy nuclei,
H.P. Morsch, G.P.A. Berg, P. Decowski, J.L. Tain, M. Rogge, L. Zemlo, P.Turek, J. Meißburger and J.G.M. Römer,
Proceedings of the international symposium on light ion reaction mechanisms, Osaka, Japan 294 (1983)

Investigation of giant resonances in hadron scattering experiments, 
H.P. Morsch,
proceedings of the XXI international winter meeting on nuclear physics, Bormio, Italy 66 (1983)

Fission decay of isoscalar giant resonances excited in 172 MeV alpha scattering from 238}U,
H.P. Morsch, M. Rogge, P. Decowski, H. Machner, C. Sükösd, P. David, J. Debrus, J. Hartfiel, H. Janszen and J. Schulze,
Phys. Lett. 119B (1982) 315

The giant octupole resonance in heavy nuclei,
H.P. Morsch, M. Rogge, P.Turek, P. Decowski, L. Zemlo, C. Mayer-Böricke, S.A. Martin, G.P.A. Berg, I. Katayama, J. Meißburger, J.G.M. Römer, J. Reich, P. Wucherer and W. Bräutigam,
Phys. Lett. 119B, 311 (1982)

Contribution of quasifree scattering in 172 MeV alpha scattering from heavy nuclei,
P. Decowski, H.P. Morsch, L. Zemlo, M. Rogge, P.Turek and W. Schumacher, G. Gaul, R. Glasow, B. Ludewigt and R. Santo,
Proceedings of the international conf. on nuclear structure, Amsterdam, Netherlands 91 (1982) 

The giant octupole resonance in heavy nuclei,
H.P. Morsch, M. Rogge, P.Turek, P. Decowski, L. Zemlo, C. Mayer-Böricke, S.A. Martin, G.P.A. Berg, I. Katayama, J. Meißburger, J.G.M. Römer, J. Reich, P. Wucherer and W. Bräutigam,
Proceedings of the international conf. on nuclear structure, Amsterdam, Netherlands 90 (1982)

Excitation of isoscalar giant resonances and monopole giant resonance splitting in actinide nuclei,
H.P. Morsch, M. Rogge, P.Turek, C. Mayer-Böricke and P. Decowski,
Phys. Rev. C25, 2939 (1982) 

Coulomb excitation of the giant dipole resonance in hadron scattering,
P. Decowski and H.P. Morsch,
Nucl. Phys. A377, 261 (1982)

Excitation of fission decay of new isoscalar giant resonances, 
H.P. Morsch,
Lecture Notes in Phys. 158, 254 (1981)

Low lying isoscalar dipole excitations in 208Pb,
P. Decowski, H.P. Morsch and W. Benenson,
Phys. Lett. 101B, 147 (1981)

Excitation of the giant dipole resonance in the scattering of isoscalar projectiles,
H.P. Morsch and P. Decowski,
Phys. Lett. 95B, 160 (1980)

New giant resonances in 172 MeV alpha-scattering from 208Pb,
H.P. Morsch, M. Rogge, P.Turek and C. Mayer-Böricke,
Proceedings of the international conf. on Nuclear Physics, Berkeley, USA, 255 (1980)

New giant resonances in 172 MeV alpha-scattering from 208Pb, 
H.P. Morsch, M. Rogge, P.Turek and C. Mayer-Böricke,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 45 (1980) 337

New giant resonances in heavy nuclei excited in higher energy alpha and deuteron scattering,
H.P. Morsch,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on "Highly excited states in nuclear reactions", Osaka, Japan, 168 (1980)

Giant monopole and quadrupole resonances and other multipole excitations in 208Pb studied in 43 MeV/nucleon alpha particle and deuteron scattering, 
H.P. Morsch, C. Sükösd, M. Rogge, P. Turek and H. Machner,
Phys. Rev. C22, 489 (1980)

Isoscalar giant resonances in 232Th,
M.N. Harakeh, H.P. Morsch, K. van d. Weg and A. van der Woude,
Phys. Rev. C21, 768 (1980)

Experimental investigation of the giant monopole resonance in heavy nuclei, 
H.P. Morsch, M. Rogge, P. Turek, H. Machner, C. Sükösd and C. Mayer- Böricke,
Proceedings of the topical conf. on "Giant multiple resonances", Oak Ridge, USA, 459 (1979)

Evidence for the giant quadrupole excitation in 208Pb by 200 MeV 12C scattering, 
R. Kamermans, J. van Driel, H.P. Morsch, J. Wilczynski and A. van der Woude,
Phys. Lett. 82B, 221 (1979)

Monopole excitations in 4He, 12C and 24Mg in a collective model description,
H.P. Morsch and P. Decowski,
Phys. Lett. 82B, 1 (1979)

Single and mutual excitation of projectile and target in alpha scattering, 
R. Kamermans, H.P. Morsch, R.J. de Meijer and J. van Driel,
Nucl. Phys. A314, 37 (1979)

Evidence for the giant monopole resonance in 208Pb from strong energy dependence in alpha scattering, 
H.P. Morsch, M. Rogge, P. Turek, C. Sükösd and C. Mayer-Böricke,
Phys. Rev. C20, 1600 (1979)

Experimental investigation of the giant monopole resonance in heavy nuclei,
H.P. Morsch,
Proceedings of the international Conference on "Large amplitude collective nuclear motion", Keszthely, Hungary (1979)

Unbound Li nuclei as ejectiles in alpha induced pickup,
A. Saha, R. Kamermans, J. van Driel and H.P. Morsch,
Phys. Lett. 79B, 363 (1978)

30Si(16O,16O*)30Si* reaction at 60 MeV,
A. Dudek-Ellis, V. Shkolnik, J.L. Artz, D. Dehnhard, J.P. Ellis and H.P. Morsch,
 Phys. Rev. C18, 158 (1978)

Fine structure in the giant resonance region and the collective dipole spin-flip excitation in $^{208}Pb$,
H.P. Morsch, P. Decowski and W. Benenson, 
Nucl. Phys. A297, 317 (1978)

The giant monopole resonance in $^{208}Pb$ strongly excited in 172 MeV alpha scattering, 
H.P. Morsch, M. Rogge, P. Turek, H. Machner, C. Sükösd and C. Mayer- Böricke,
Lecture Notes in Phys. 92, 497 (1978)

Monopole excitations in nuclei,
H.P. Morsch,
Nucleonica 23, 105 (1978)

Stretched two-neutron configurations in 30Si studied in the  28Si(alpha,2He)^30Si reaction,
R.J. de Meijer, R. Kamermans, J. van Driel and H.P. Morsch,
Phys. Rev. C16, 2442 (1977)

Levels of 16F,
H. Nann, W.Benenson, E. Kashy, H.P. Morsch and D. Mueller,
Phys. Rev. C16, 1684 (1977)

Direct evidence for a new giant resonance at 80A^{-1/3} MeV in lead, 
M.N. Harakeh, K. van der Borg, T. Ishimatsu, H.P. Morsch, A. van der Woude and F. Bertrand,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 38 (1977) 676

Monopole excitation of 4He in alpha particle scattering from 12C, 13C and 16O,
R. Jahn, D.P. Stachel, G.J. Wozniak, J. Cerny and H.P. Morsch,
Phys. Lett. 65B, 339 (1976)

On the role of indirect processes in the inelastic scattering of low lying 0+ states,
H.P. Morsch and P.J. Ellis,
Phys. Lett. 64B, 386 (1976)

Monopole excitation in the giant resonance region of 208PB, 
H.P. Morsch, P. Decowski and W. Benenson,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 37 (1976) 263

Inelastic 18O+48Ca scattering and a microscopic description using a renormalized effective interaction,
H.P. Morsch, D.A. Lewis and J.F. Petersen,
Phys. Lett. 61B, 213 (1976)

Is monopole core polarization important in the inelastic excitation of low lying 0+ states? 
H.P. Morsch,
Phys. Lett. 61B, 15 (1976)

Two-nucleon stripping reaction (18O,16O) on 48Ca, 
J.F. Petersen, D.A. Lewis, D. Dehnhard, H.P. Morsch and B.F. Bayman,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 307 (1976)

Strong polarization of the 1p-shell core in the lowest 0+ states of 24Mg and 28Si,
H.P. Morsch, D. Dehnhard and T.K. Li,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 1527 (1975)

Features of inelastic monopole transitions and the excitation of a giant monopole resonance,
H.P. Morsch,
Phys. Lett. 56B, 115 (1975)

Elastic 3He scattering from even Ar isotopes and backward angle anomalies in the systematics of elastic 3He scattering,
H. Breuer and H.P. Morsch,
Nucl. Phys. A255, 449 (1975)

Structure of low lying 0+ states in f_{7/2} shell nuclei from inelastic 3He scattering,
H.P. Morsch,
Nucl. Phys. A226, 506 (1974)

Shell effects in collective excitations and a shell model description using a renormalized effective interaction,
H.P. Morsch,
Phys. Lett. 53B, 3 (1974)

Are complex form factors important in microscopic descriptions of inelastic 3He and alpha scattering?  
H.P. Morsch,
Phys. Lett. 52B, 125 (1974)

Monopole transitions in the inelastic 3He scattering on Ti isotopes,
H.P. Morsch,
Proceedings of the international Conference on Nuclear Physics, Munich, 389 (1973)

Monopole transitions in the inelastic 3He scattering on Ti isotopes,
H.P. Morsch,
Phys. Lett. 47B, 21 (1973)

Anomalous 3He scattering in the Ca region,
H.P. Morsch and H. Breuer,
Nucl. Phys. A208, 255 (1973)

Elastic 3He scattering from Ca, Ti and Cr isotopes,
H.P. Morsch and R. Santo,
Nucl. Phys. A179, 401 (1972)

Inelastic 3He scattering on f_{7/2} shell nuclei as a consistent test of the microscopic approach,
H.P. Morsch and R. Santo, Phys. Lett. 37B, 491 (1971)